I'm Back
Well, I've kinda been neglecting this blog since the week I put it up, and now that I finally have the chance I will start posting again. Of all of the many things that i've been doing lately, this one has been the most hilarious. My former school has been needing some tech support so I've been spending some time reformatting f****ed up PC's and removing the vast stashes of crap that just seems to be everywhere. I just found that the "networking consultant" that the staff pays 60 bucks an hour to "secure" their network gave read/ write permissions for the "confidential" faculty/staff drive to all users on the domain, including the students. That's a disaster waiting to happen. The guy also uses 6 digit numerical passwords to the administrator account that a retarded three year old could crack . 900600, wow! That's complex, its also the same admin password as all of the local client machines. The sad part is that most of the staff are so computer illiterate that its a miracle that they can figure out how to log on to windows in the first place. The one guy who can actually get his way around a PC is sometimes ignored. The "IT Professional" can tell them anything and they will believe his sheister ass.
Here's a little example
(IT guy speaking) "UH, your memory needs to be recharged, It will take me 6 hours plus $250 in parts."
(Teacher Speaking) "Sure, just do your thing and ill write out the check. Whatever you need to do to make it work."
This kind of ignorance goes on between clients and IT staff all the time, at businesses all over the country. Its really f***ing sad.
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