Sunday, October 09, 2005

God, I Hate Windows.

Well, its that time again, I've had the same install of windows on my box for about 3 and a half months now, and it seems that Microsoft's little "Use By:" date has expired on me. Maybe its just me, but I feel like I'm spending more time maintaining and running patches on my computer than I spend actually using it for constructive purposes. Now it seems that the Execs at apple wanted to get on the "patch Tuesday" bandwagon too. The last four times that I have booted up tiger, software update has popped up and there are at least four patches listed in the top pane. I'm sick of using software that feels like it is a permanent beta . Well, anyways, it looks like I will be backing up my necessary files and running autoclave pretty soon here. Now it seems quicker to just start fresh that try to clean the registry, scan for malware, defrag the HDD, run AVG, and clean up the temporary files. Boy, do i feel Depressed.


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