Tuesday, December 13, 2005

CWA attacks tech columist John C Dvorak Over .xxx domain

Dvorak's post:

CWA press release:

Wow, im a conservative and even I think that these women are nuts. Groups like this make all conservatives look like bible banging prudes. It floors me how a good "christian" like Jan LaRue takes so many cheap shots on Mr. Dvorak in her press release. Apparenently Ms. LaRue has very little knowledge on how the internet works, and how viral porn advertising has gotten so bad in the first place. Pornographers have no desire to market their product to "impressionable children" because the kids can't pay for it anyway. I don't know of too many 13 year olds with a credit card. What buisness markets its product to those who are unable to buy it. I know that there is free porn on the net, but the .xxx domain would make it easier for parents to keep track of their kids in the first place. After all, controlling what a kid sees on the net is the job of the parent anyway. All kids will see porn sometime. There was porn way before the advent of the net, and there will be porn long after its gone.

Lady, as a christian, techie, and conservative,
I would just like to let you know;

You don't speak for me!

-Jonsey out


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